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Easter YouTube Videos in Spanish

Easter is nearing. Time to get your bilingual kiddos in the Easter spirit with these 12 Easter YouTube Videos in Spanish!

These Easter YouTube videos have the catchiest of all tunes. Not only is your child is going to be hip on all of the Easter vocabulary in Spanish, but also you too!

Together with the Easter YouTube videos in Spanish you can perfect her knowledge with these FREE Easter printable activities in Spanish.

In addition, you could go on an Easter scavenger hunt in Spanish to see who gets the most points first. Don’t forget. The points only count if your child can recite the words in Spanish!

I hop that you enjoy these videos and please, don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @lorenaylennox for more bilingual parenting tips and activities for kids!

Inside: 12 Easter YouTube Videos in Spanish to teach your children or students about the Easter holiday!

Easter YouTube videos in Spanish:

Songs | Canciones

Pollito Amarillito | The Little Yellow Chick

Cinco bebés con huevos sorpresa de Pascua | Five Babies with Surprise Easter Eggs

Ronda de Conejos | Circle of Rabbits

Los pollitos dice pío pío pío | Chicks go peep, peep, peep

Related: “Los pollitos dicen” Spanish Nursery Rhyme Printable Activities for Preschoolers

La Huerta del señor conejo, canción de las verduras | Mr. Rabbit’s Vegetable Garden, Song of the Vegetables


La Pascua de Nina | Nina’s Easter

Conejo de Pacua y juegos con huevos sorpresa | Easter Bunny with Surprise Easter Eggs

El bebé busca los huevos de Pascua por primera vez | Baby looks for Easter eggs for the first time

¡Feliz Pascua! Compilación de Harry el conejito | Happy Easter! Harry the Bunny Collection

Related: The Best YouTube Channels in Spanish for Preschoolers

Cuentos | Tales

El conejo de Pascua | The Easter Bunny

I hope you and your kiddos enjoyed this fun list of Easter YouTube videos in Spanish!!! 



12 Easter YouTube Videos in Spanish Your Children Will Love #Spanishlearning #Spanishforkids #spanishforchildren #Pascuaparaniños #pascua #easteractivities #easteractivitiesinspanish